To compete in today’s world and provide your customers with excellent service, you need an IT system that is reliable, efficient, and secure. But if you’re like most small or midsized businesses, you cannot afford the in-house resources needed to build, maintain, and secure a modern IT system. Here are four reasons why it’s more cost-effective for your small or midsized business to partner with a managed IT service provider than to manage your IT system on your own.
Access to Broad IT Expertise
Building and managing your own IT system requires a team of professionals with expertise in many technology disciplines, from software engineers to network administrators to security experts. Hiring full-time workers for every IT competency you need does not make business sense for most small and midsized companies, and you don’t necessarily need all of these capabilities on a full-time basis. By partnering with a professional IT provider, you gain access to a broad talent pool of professionals who are there when you need them, whether for day-to-day issues or special projects or challenges that may arise. Because providing technology services is their core competency, IT providers have a stable of professionals with wide-ranging abilities to meet the varied needs of their clients.
Deep Cybersecurity Bench
As cyber-attacks grow increasingly costly and sophisticated, all companies must step up their efforts to defend their systems, which requires more time, resources, and expertise than ever before. Because they have teams of security personnel and broad, up-to-the-minute expertise in combatting new and emerging threats, a competent IT provider can secure your system more efficiently and effectively than you could do on your own. Good IT providers take a multi-faceted approach to cybersecurity. They will monitor your system around-the-clock, respond in real time to suspicious activity, and rapidly mount an effective response to stop or thwart an attack. They generally will provide a broad range of protections, from installing state-of-the-art anti-virus and anti-malware software and firewalls and providing timely security and patch updates to performing security audits and educating your team about recognizing and evading common and less common schemes.
Proactive System Maintenance
IT providers proactively maintain their clients’ IT systems. A good provider will monitor your system for potential problems, which will allow the provider to fix your small issues before they become a big issue. This translates to more reliable technology and less costly downtime. IT providers also update software in a timely manner when updates become available from manufacturers, further boosting your system’s efficiency and security.
Seamless Scalability
When your IT is outsourced, it’s much easier for your company to scale up or down. Many companies pay their IT provider a per-user monthly fee for the equipment and services they use. When you add to or subtract from your head count, you can simply tell the IT provider to add or remove users from your account. Rather than needing to invest in costly infrastructure when you expand, or getting stuck with equipment or services you no longer need when you contract, your company can seamlessly scale up or down and enjoy IT cost predictability.
Central Business Systems, a one-stop shop for all business technology needs, has been serving businesses throughout the New York metropolitan area for more than 75 years. To learn more about how our state-of-the-art IT solutions can make your company’s operations more efficient and secure, contact us.